Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer

Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer Review

Parenthood comes with responsibility. If you want your baby to grow healthy without suffering from infections you should buy Philips Avent 3-in-1 electric steam sterilizer. Infants are very sensitive to bacteria.

Therefore, you need to ensure your baby doesn’t come into contact with any contaminated food. Most people tend to neglect the baby’s bottle and other cutlery that are used when feeding the baby. Modernization has helped most parents to know the essence of disinfecting baby’s accessories and feeding bottles. Let us have a look at one of the best electric sterilizer.

There are many ways to sterilize baby products these days. One of those ways is with an electric steam sterilizer. A steam sterilizer will kill 99.9% of bacteria, mold, and yeast in a product in just 2 minutes. In comparison, a microwave will only kill about 50% of all of the same bad bugs. This is an informative review on the Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer.

Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer

With a lot of products on the market, people may find it hard to know what to purchase. But Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer is a product that makes this job easy. Philips electric sterilizer has been applauded because of its exemplary sterilization. Parents can now find a better way on how to sterilize their baby’s bottles. This is a product which is a little bit harder to find for sale. So, we wanted to give you an overview of this product, its features, and its pros and cons.

Philips Avent 3-in-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer Pictures​

Editor's Rating

Effective and Convenient Sterilization

This is one of the best sterilizers that you can count on when it comes to sterilizing the baby’s bottle It can kill up to 99.9%of harmful bacteria and germs. The good thing is that it doesn’t use a chemical that could affect your child’s health. All you need is to place whatever you want to sterilize and in five minutes all will be done. It will automatically shut off when it has completed sterilizing.

The Duration of Sterility

Well, the duration of how the object remains sterile is very important when choosing an electric sterilizer. Therefore, using the Philips Avent 3-in-1 electric steam sterilizer is an effective way to ensure that the sterilized bottles and toddlers’ plates remain sterile for a long time. Any sterilized object will stay sterile up to 24 hours so long as the lid is not opened.

The Spacious Design

This electronic sterilizer allows you to place a variety of accessories, pumps, and bottles at once because it is designed to have a capacity that can hold up to 11 Philips Avent bottles at once. Therefore, if you have several baby bottles that you use them interchangeably then you are lucky because you can sterilize all at once depending on the capacity of the sterilizer.

Natural Steam Sterilizing

Everyone desires to have a sterilizer which is free from chemicals especially when it comes to sterilizing the baby’s bottle. This is an important consideration because the use of chemicals might compromise the baby’s health. In that regard, It is recommended to use natural steam sterilizing. There are no additives or any products that are used to facilitate the process.

Ease of Use

Using it is pretty simple you just need to fill its base with water by ensuring all the compartments are full. Shut the lid and press the start button to start sterilization. If you are a beginner you will not have to struggle using it. After reading the user manual you will have understood how it is used and its functionalities. This makes it very user friendly and convenient for everyone.


• It has a dishwasher that helps in pre-cleaning before sterilization.
• It has a microwave steam sterilizer to make it more effective.
• Philips Avent 3-in-1 electric steam sterilizer has a digital display where you can get the feedback from the ongoing sterilization process.
• It is spacious that can hold up to six 330 ml bottles.
• The heating plate can be kept clean all the time because of its open design
• Philips Avent 3-in-1 electric steam sterilizer can be used with all types of bottles ranging from the wide neck to the narrow neck baby bottles.


• It has an automatic shut off feature
• It uses electric steam which can kill up to 99%of bacteria
• It takes up less kitchen space.
• It can keep sterile contents for 24 hours
• It has a modular adjustable design to fit various accessories


• Condensation occurs during the sterilization which makes a watery mess especially when you remove its lid.


This is a unique sterilizer that has the adjustable size to ensure it takes up the least space. The smaller ones are used in sterilization of pacifiers while the larger sterilizer can be used in sterilizing toddler plates, breast pumps, and baby bottles.

This sterilizer uses electric steam so you will not require any chemicals. All you need to do is to add approximately 200ml of water in its base and ensure the lid is tight before you press the button to start sterilization.

You might realize that after using your sterilizer scale might build up. Therefore, to descale it you will require white vinegar and cold water. So, mix 100 ml vinegar with 200ml of cold water and pour it into the sterilizer. Give it some time until you notice all the limescale has sublimed. Afterward, drain the residue and rinse the sterilizer. When doing this ensure the sterilizer is off.

Children tend to grab things and put them in their mouths which introduce more germs to the bottle. Therefore, there is no point in stopping sterilization because it is an effective measure to ensure baby bottles stay clean and safe.

Final Verdict

Philips Avent 3-in-1 electric steam sterilizer is one of the best that you can find in the market. It is affordable and easy to use. You can buy it from a local store or an online store but ensure you are buying from a reputable dealer so that you get the right quality.

Generally, it is very effective in disinfecting bottles, plates, and other accessories. It only requires water to sterilize hence it is a reasonable and safer option.

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