How To Clean Dr Brown Sterilizer?

How To Clean Dr Brown Sterilizer?

Is it important to clean your Dr Brown Sterilizer? Whether it’s your first or fourth time with a newborn baby, any parent understands that a baby bottle sterilizer is one of the essential pieces of equipment. It acts as the first line of protection against hazardous germs and bacteria coming into contact with your baby. As a result, it’s critical to keep your sterilizing equipment clean.

Previously we have discussed how to clean Dr Brown Bottles. We’ll go over the several ways to clean a Dr Brown sterilizer in this article.

What you need to clean dr brown sterilizer?

  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Dishwasher detergent
  • Citric acid
  • Piece of cloth
  • Sachets

The Critical Methods on How To Clean Dr Brown Sterilizer

There are various ways of cleaning a Dr Brown sterilizer. The two most common methods are using a vinegar solution or a citric acid solution. Below are the common methods of sterilization and the steps that each entails:

Method 1: Cleaning Your Dr Brown Sterilizer Using Vinegar Solution

Vinegar is often advised as a household cleaner and can be beneficial on some stains and surfaces. Vinegar is a cheap, easy-to-find substance that is also environmentally friendly.

Once you’ve got your vinegar, all you have to do now is dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio. After that, you’ll need to wash all of the removable pieces of your Dr Brown sterilizer. For cleaning, the basket usually detaches from the sterilizer. Dishwasher detergent is used to clean the basket and other removable pieces, and then the parts are rinsed thoroughly in plain water.

The next step is to clean the Dr Brown sterilizer’s unit. Pour any remaining water out of the Dr Brown sterilizer. After that, pour your vinegar solution into the Dr Brown sterilizer’s base. Make sure the vinegar reaches all of the stained areas. Allow the vinegar solution to rest in the unit for two hours or until the mineral scales have dissolved.

Pour out the vinegar and thoroughly rinse the inside of the unit to eliminate any remaining vinegar. If the scale is not completely eliminated, repeat the procedure.

Replace the sterilizer pieces once your sterilizer is clean. Although using vinegar to clean your sterilizer is a more DIY alternative, it may leave a temporary odor on your device.

Method 2: Cleaning Your Dr Brown Sterilizer Using Citric Acid

It’s easy to clean a Dr Brown sterilizer with citric acid. However, getting this chemical will require a trip to your local chemist. Combine 5g of citric acid with 100ml of water once you have the citric acid on hand.

Remove all removable parts of the Dr Brown sterilizer to begin the cleaning. Dishwasher detergent should be used to clean these parts, and they should be rinsed thoroughly with clean water.

After that, pour the citric acid solution into the Dr Brown sterilizer and wait 30 to 40 minutes. When the timer goes off, empty the contents into the sink, rinse your sterilizer, and dry it with a clean kitchen cloth. After that, inspect your sterilizer for any remaining scale. You can repeat the process as many times as necessary till all the scale is gone.

Though cleaning your Dr Brown sterilizer with citric acid is simple, it’s vital to know that inhaling the citric acid dust can irritate your nose and throat. It can also irritate the skin and eyes. When working with citric acid, take precautions to protect your eyes and skin, as well as provide adequate ventilation.

Method 3: How to sterilize soil with boiling water?

Descaling sachets are another highly suggested and simple approach to clean a Dr Brown sterilizer. The sachets are made with less abrasive materials than vinegar and citric acid solutions. Furthermore, they can be used to clean any sterilizer. The sachets ensure that limescale is removed more precisely.

Using descaling sachets to clean a Dr Brown sterilizer is slightly easier. All you need is to mix one sachet of citric acid with 200mls of water and pour the mixture into the unit. Do not put the lid on. Run the sterilizer for one cycle, then plug off from the mains, and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Finally, drain the solution and rinse the unit thoroughly.

Do not forget to clean the removable parts of your Dr Brown sterilizer with dishwasher detergent before replacing them.

Tips To Keep Clean Dr Brown Sterilizer Longer

The following are tips on how you can keep clean your Dr Brown sterilizer longer:

  • In your Dr Brown sterilizer, use distilled water. Any other form of water, such as bottled, tap, or even filtered, may include deposits that might accumulate around the heating element and shorten the product’s lifespan.

  • Before sterilizing, make sure the objects are clean. Some bottles may have food residue on them. Before placing the items to be cleaned in the sterilizer, make sure they are clean and empty.

  • Use the Dr Brown sterilizer only when it is necessary. Unless your infant is sick, there is no need to sterilize your bottles after each use. Once a week, sterilization is generally sufficient.
Allowing minerals to build up in your Dr Brown sterilizer without cleaning it could cause damage and void your warranty. Under typical circumstances, clean it every four to six weeks. If your water is particularly hard, clean the device more frequently to avoid mineral build-up.

Final Verdict

As a new mother, we recognize that you already have a lot on your plate. However, we recommend that you clean your Dr Brown sterilizer every four weeks. Whether you use citric acid, vinegar, or descaling sachets, the essential thing is to keep the sterilizer free of bacteria and germs. The last thing you want as a parent is for your sterilizer to spread germs to your baby’s bottles and teats.

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